Cross Team Velocity

Now you can compare multiple sprint velocity across different boards. After adding the cross team velocity gadget, you can configure the same with the values for the below fields as per your need.


Cross Team Velocity Config.PNG

Configuration Fields :

  1. Chart Type :

    1. Bar

    2. Line

  2. Estimation Type :

    1. Hours

    2. Issue Count

    3. Story Points

  3. Story Points Field :

This field allows you to select the Story Points field being used in your Jira instance.

  1. Board 1:

Select your project board with this field.

  1. Sprint 1:

Select sprints from your projects with this field.

  1. Board 2:

Select your project board with this field.

  1. Sprint 2:

Select sprints from your projects with this field.


Cross Team Velocity.PNG