Various Time in Status Reports
Clicking on “Apps → TIS - Time Reports” on Jira Cloud or “Top Nav Bar → Time in Status” on Jira DC, will navigate to the below screen. Select the Project, Fix Version and From/To Dates, along with the report type to view
App provides multiple Time in Status Reports to track your Issue as per below list. It also provides
Export to Excel : All the reports provide the facility to Export to Excel. The Time values in reports are exported by default in Hours only to Excel
Settings : The time value in reports can be changed in Settings screen. They can be seen in Hours/Days & Jira default format
Statuses: You can define which statuses or grouped statuses you want to view on the report, by clicking on Statuses drop down on the right of the screen.
Additional Criteria : This option is enabled when you want to view “Time in Status Per Time Grain” or “Time with Assignee Per Time Grain” reports.
Time in Status - Total time, the issue was in each of your Status
Time in Status Count - Number of times, the issue was in each Status
Time in Status Per Time Grain - You can compare status times over a historic duration and take actions if the time in status are not improving.
Time with Assignee - Total time, the issue was with each Assignee
Time with Assignee Count - Number of times, issue was with each Assignee
Time with Assignee Per Time Grain - You can compare status times over a historic duration and take actions if the time with assignee is not improving.
Average Time in Status - Average time the issues spent in each status
Time between Status Transitions - Total time the issues take while navigating from one status to another in the Jira workflow.
Recent Time in Status - Total time, the issue was in last Status
Time in Field - This report shows the total time taken by the issues in a custom field.
Time in Status per Assignee - Total time, the issue was in each Status with Assignee
Time with Assignee per Status - Total time, the issue was with Assignee per Status
Transition Reports : Multiple Transition Reports
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