Hierarchy Report - Track Progress % (Time Tracking Column) calculated in Epic Hierarchy & Links Hierarchy Screens?

Hierarchy Report - Track Progress % (Time Tracking Column) calculated in Epic Hierarchy & Links Hierarchy Screens?

Progress Calculation based on Remaining Estimate :

Progress percentage is percentage of ‘Time Spent' (Time Tracking) out of the total 'Time Spent’ + 'Remaining Estimate'. For example, if
Time Spent = 3h
Remaining Estimate = 12h
Progress = (3 / (3+12) )*100 = 20%


Progress Calculation based on Original Estimate :

Progress percentage is percentage of 'Time Spent' (Time Tracking) out of the total 'Original Estimate'. For example, if
Time Spent = 4h
Original Estimate = 8h
Progress = (4 / 8)*100 = 50%


How are Time tracking fields calculated?
In Jira by default, Users can enter any values in Time Spent, Remaining Estimate & Original Estimate. And there is no interdependency between these fields. Except for one place where if both 'Remaining' and 'Original' are set 0, any update to either column will have the same value updated in other column. This add-on maintains the same functionality.